You must be at least 21 years of age to purchase alcoholic beverages. By placing your order you have represented to Anthony Nappa Wines and The Winemaker Studio that you are at least 21 years old. All shipments of alcoholic beverages require an adult’s (at least 21 years of age) signature upon delivery. To insure delivery, we suggest shipping to a business address where someone 21 or older will be available to sign for the package.
We use United Parcel Service (UPS) to handle the shipments outside of the New York City and Long Island areas. We can only ship to the United States.
Anthony Nappa Wines is not a shipping company. We will be happy to facilitate shipping through a third party carrier on a customer’s behalf. In doing so, the customer assumes all responsibility of the package and it’s contents from the moment it leaves Anthony Nappa Wines and The Winemaker Studio. If you choose to ship your wine to a non-reciprocal state, you assume all responsibility for complying with your state’s laws regarding alcohol shipments and tax laws. Anthony Nappa Wines and The Winemaker Studio passes on only the incurred shipping charges and does not profit by the shipping process. Our default carrier and shipping rate is UPS Ground, but if you wish to ship using a faster method, you may choose from the other options available on our website. All packages ordered are packed for delivery within two business days of order placement. Please be advised that UPS pick-up occurs between the hours of 12-7pm each weekday and is variable. If the order is placed after the pick-up has arrived, it will be set for the next available pick-up time slot (week-ends and Holidays excluded). UPS Ground has a set standard of time periods allotted for delivery to different regions of the continental United States. These can be viewed on their website,
Be advised that these times are not guaranteed by UPS. Due to the delicate nature of the product in which we assist shipment, Anthony Nappa Wines and The Winemaker Studio will only ship out UPS Ground packages when they are safest to travel continuously to their destination, so as not to allow for un-monitored storage over the weekend. If a customer wishes to ship immediately despite this, please leave a note on your order in the customer comment field or contact us directly. In some areas of the US, it is not possible to ship UPS Ground inside of five business days In these cases we will ship on the earliest pick-up time available. We advise that if you need your shipment to arrive at an earlier time, that you choose a faster shipping option. UPS rates apply and will be calculated at checkout.